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Foto/ Grafiken: Sys-Pro Industrie PC Nebenstation industrial PC side station SV SV S1 Frisch/fresh 9,8 % SPS ! 9,8 % FO ? 9,8 % ? ! ! ? ? Grafik 1: MeatMasterTM und proFood MM automatisieren die Standardisierung. Chart1: MeatMasterTM and proFood MM automate the standardization. terialien mit schwankendem Fettge-halt zusammengestellt werden. Eine Rezepturoptimierung wird möglich, indem Teilzufuhren der notwendigen Rohmaterialien erfolgen. Damit wird im ersten Schritt ein Basis-Fettgehalt der Rezeptcharge bzw. Kuttermenge durch die Messung im MeatMaster bestimmt. In einem weiteren Schritt werden weitere Teilmengen ge-nau berechnet und zugeführt, um den gewünschten Zielfettgehalt zu erreichen, was zu einer Kostenoptimierung bei gleichzeitiger Ver-besserung der Produktqualität führt. Mit der proFood MM-Leitstation wird die Abarbeitung der Tages-Produk-tionsaufträge übernommen. Die Ist- Gewichte und Messwerte aus dem MeatMasterTM werden zur Verzielung und Rezepturkorrektur verarbeitet. Über eine Nebenstation erfolgt die Sendung von Informationen der dafür notwendigen Rohstoffe an die Zufuhrlinien, sodass diese entspre-chend bestückt werden können. Die Rohmaterialien werden z. B. mittels Barcode erfasst, wodurch sowohl eine Chargenverfolgung als auch eine Lieferantenbewertung gewährleistet wird. Eine einfache Integration über Stan-dardschnittstellen (z. B. Artikeldaten, Produktionsmengen) ermöglicht es, die aktuellen Daten aus proFood MM Continued from page 24 proportion of lean muscle meat and less fatty tissue. It‘s basically true that: not more and not less than necessary should be used – the quality parameters of meat and sausage products are very specific. Equal quality demanded Most meat and sausage producers in Germany are medium-sized. They are confronted with the task of offering good quality and uniform products at low prices. At the same time, they are faced with an increasing price pressure on part of the retail chains. Consequently this means they have to fulfil high quality standards at low production costs. One possibility to meet these de-mands are automated opera-tions and production processes, e.g. standardisation of fat and lean meat proportions. In this way, the natural raw-material meat, which Korrekturmenge abhängig vom Fettwert / Correction amount depending on the fat value Drucker A useful solution Sys-Pro Berlin and Foss located in Schleswig-Holstein have introduced the proFood MM and MeatMaster™ system, which fulfils these demands and also ensures efficient processes. Based on experience, this solution achieves ROI within six to twelve months. The analysis device Meat Master™ is based on X-ray technology and is designed for meat-in-line-analysis. This system can be complemented by a proFood MM offering an online-option and an automatic console for the control of working processes and installations. proFood MM uses the values gathered during the production process and translates them into quality parameters for individual products and raw materials. By inte-grating the system into a warehouse management system, stock-taking and batch processes become more efficient. During standardisation processes the system is used to pick boxes and send them to a predefined target position. Fat content and weight measured by the device, serve as a basis for the calcu-lation of average fat contents in one batch (e.g. one pallet) for further processing. In this way pallets with certain fat contents can be compiled. Boxes containing foreign Industrie PC Nebenstation industrial PC side station Industrielle Fettkorrektur Chargen-(Lieferanten-) bewertung Chargenverfolgung Fremdobjektauslese industrial fat correction batch (suppliers) assessment batch tracing foreign object readout Industrie PC Hauptstation industrial PC main station Drucker printer Industrie PC Hauptstation industrial PC main station printer proFood MeatMaster™ FOSS MeatMaster™ ? ? ? FOSS ! Kutter SPS cutter in die Warenwirtschaft (z. B. SAP, Navi-sion) zuverlässig zu übergeben und zu übernehmen. Dirk Lapoehn, Leiter Service- und Produktmanagement Sys-Pro, Berlin F Grafik 2: Das Zusammenspiel von MeatMasterTM und Food Pro MM. Chart 2: The interplay of MeatMasterTM and food per MM. Warenwirtschaftssystem (pro Food, SAP/R3™, ...) inventory control system (pro Food, SAP/R3™, ...) ProFood ProFood MM ProFood MM varies in characteristics from piece to piece, can be used to produce meat products with a uniform quality. If a technology is capable of measuring fresh, frozen or packed meat at a speed of 22t / h and accurately deter-mines the fat content, exact weight and possible meat contaminations, the benefits of such a solution would be obvious: Cost and time savings, accu-rate recipes, exactly synchronised pro-cessing steps, unambiguous labels and therefore traceability of each product. If this technology is integrated into a IT-solution, which makes the analysed data immediately available to the inter-nal inventory control system, the user profits from a genuine advantage. MeatMaster™ CONCEPTS KONZEPTE 26 2013

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