Hygienemanagement/ Hygiene management - In die Luft gehen/ Into the air


In die Luft gehen Ein angepasstes Luft- & Hygienemanagement im Bereich der Brühwurstherstellung erhöht die Lebensmittelsicherheit und spart Kosten. 1.0 Einleitung und Ausgangsvoraussetzungen In den vergangenen Jahren hat der Druck auf die Betriebe der Fleischwirtschaft hin-sichtlich veränderter gesetzlicher Rah-menbedingungen, Zertifizierungen, Pro-dukthaftung und Rückverfolgbarkeit etc. Vorkehrungen und Maßnahmen zu tref-fen, weiter zugenommen. Aber auch die Anforderungen des Handels hinsichtlich Haltbarkeiten (MHD) oder nachweisbarer Hygienesicherheit (besonders pathogener Keime) ist aufgrund von Meldungen der jüngeren Vergangenheit (z. B. Listerien- Rückrufaktionen) drastisch gestiegen. Hier ist das hygienische Qualitätsmanage-ment des Betriebes durch die Notwen-digkeit einer darauf abgestimmten und sicheren Betriebshygiene deutlich mehr gefordert. Auch steht durch den erhöhten Zeitbedarf für administrative Arbeiten zur Vorbereitung auf Audits die Zeit für Kon-trollen im laufenden Betrieb nicht mehr ausreichend zur Verfügung. Das ureigenste Interesse der Betriebshy-giene (unter gegebenen baulichen Bedin-gungen) muss also die Verringerung und Vermeidung nachteiliger Beeinflussung durch mikrobiologische, aber auch klima- Into the air Adapted air & hygiene management in the boiled sausage production sector is increasing food safety and cutting costs. hygiene (under certain structural condi-tions) must therefore be to reduce and avoid the adverse impact caused by microbiological but also climatic risk potentials that emanate from build-ings, equipment, systems, but also from personnel and the products themselves. At the same time, with due consideration for the respective product characteris-tics, but also the costs, the interactions between various parameters should be afforded special attention. The aim of all measures and precautions is to resolve the area of conflict between product and production conditions, employee, compa-ny and consumer interests in such a man-ner that the needs of all stakeholders are optimally fulfilled from the perspective of hygiene climate, economic and ecology. One concept combined under all these aspects is the air and hygiene manage-ment system, which is integrated in the direct environment of the individual pro-cess steps. The result is a reliable start-ing point for the acquisition of these highly-complex processes through a hy-giene- climatic analysis and the subse-quent representation of targeted optimi-sation implementations. 1.1 Process environment initial situation Hardly any other environmental influ-ence determines product quality or eco-nomic expenditure more than that of hygiene climate, such as structural con-ditions in the direct process environment. The negative side effects of an inade-quate process environment/air manage-ment system include high bacterial loads, risk of cross-contamination, but also the poor discharge of internal loads (mois-ture, warmth, dusts etc.) and the resultant effects such as elevated bacterial loads, 1.0 Introduction and initial requirements In recent years, operations in the meat industry have come under increasing pressure to take precautions and mea- sures with respect to changed legal frame-works, certification procedures, product liability legislation and traceability, etc. However, the requirements imposed by the industry for shelf life (use by dates) or verifiable hygiene safety (pathogenic bacteria in particular) have also increased significantly due to recent reports (e.g. Listeria recall campaign). Here, much higher demands are being placed on hygienic quality management of the operation due to the need for a coordi- nated and safe operational hygiene sys-tem. Also, the time for controls during ongoing operation is no longer adequate due to the increased time requirement for administrative work to prepare for audits. The main aim of operational Unkontrolliert austretende Schwaden im Pro-duktionsprozess. / Vapours discharged in the production process in an uncontrolled manner. Hygienemanagement Hygiene management Foto: Just in Air

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