meat pro ASIA

Meat Pro Asia is a professional trading platform for food processing machinery and packaging technologies. Organised alongside with VIV Asia, the fairs provide the complete supply chain from feed to food to processing and packaging and sales, attracting then entire spectrum of food technology trade buyers in ASEAN region. The show will take place on a biennial basis in co-location with VIV Asia – the no.1 international trade show from Feed to Food in Asia. The inaugural edition will open its doors on 12 – 14 March 2025 at IMPACT, Bangkok, Thailand.

The full spectrum of food processing and packaging technologies come together at Meat Pro Asia. Held from 2023 onwards in Bangkok, the biennial fair offers unrivaled access to market opportunities not just in Thailand, but across the entire ASEAN region and its more than 600 million people. Within the context of the local government’s plan to turn Thailand into one of the world’s top five food exporters by 2036, Meat Pro Asia is uniquely positioned as the only major event dedicated to food processing in the country, making it the perfect launching pad for channel players to gain a foothold in this fast growing sector.

Exhibitors include manufacturers and suppliers of everything from slaughtering and processing equipment, to packaging and transportation solutions. Co-located with VIV Asia – the no.1 international trade show from Feed to Food in Asia – the fair is expected to attract 10,000 trade buyers in 2025. Thanks to its positioning alongside one of Thailand’s biggest food related shows, the fair offers buyers comprehensive sourcing opportunities across the entire supply chain.

Date: 12 – 14 March 2025

Venue address: Challenger 1, IMPACT, Bangkok, Thailand

Phone: +86 21 6160 8498

Email address:

Official website:

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